ASQA acknowledges the variety of challenges currently facing providers as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are committed to providing additional support to maintain quality. To continue to monitor the changing environment over the coming months, we require all providers to notify us if they have:
- temporarily closed one or more of their premises;
- temporarily ceased onsite delivery at one or more locations; or
- temporarily changed delivery modes to remote learning.
Registration hold
We are also conscious that the current situation has so significantly impacted some providers that they are ceasing all operations. In these circumstances, we can support those affected to maintain their registration by placing it on hold (effectively in hibernation) until the situation improves. This hold would be in place of registration withdrawal.
A hold on registration will enable your registration to be sustained through a period of inactivity and allow you to recommence operations as a registered training organisation when able to do so.
You can let us know about temporary changes to your organisation by completing the form using the link below.
Submitting the form
This form must be completed:
- by a person with sufficient authority to act on behalf of the provider (for example, the Chief Executive Officer or a High Managerial Agent), and
- as soon as practicable after the change occurs.
When notifying us of your decision to place your registration on hold or alter your delivery mode, you’ll need to let us know:
- the reason for your temporary closure or change of delivery mode
- details of the locations affected
- the courses offered at the locations affected
- an estimate of the number of students impacted.
In the event you decide to temporarily cease operations for an indefinite period or any period longer than four weeks, you undertake that:
- all regulatory obligations at the time of ceasing operations are met, in particular in relation to student records and all relevant certification such as qualifications and statements of attainment have been issued
- enrolments and/or fees from students will not be accepted
- in the event you resume operations, you will give 21 days prior notice in writing to ASQA of the date the operations are to be resumed
- the provider website has been updated to reflect the current status.
If you are a registered CRICOS provider:
- you have already made contact with the Tuition Protection Service and will stay in contact throughout the period of your registration.
To understand the impact of COVID-19 on the sector, the information you provide will be shared with other government departments and will be used to inform ongoing support measures.
Records management
Providers should ensure that students keep a record of their course progress. Students should be given copies of any log books, work in progress and all completed and marked assessments so they have ready access to their work while provider premises are unable to be accessed.
All electronic records managed by a provider must remain up-to-date. In the event a provider is unable to continue trading, an electronic copy of the records for each student who was enrolled in a course during the period of registration must be forwarded to ASQA.
Permanent closures
If your provider is permanently closing a training location, please update this information through asqanet.
If your provider is withdrawing registration, please visit:
CRICOS providers
CRICOS providers putting a hold on their registration must address their provider default obligations.
Providers (including ELICOS-only providers) that are temporarily or permanently changing operations must also contact the Tuition Protection Service (TPS) at: